All Volunteers Must be Fully Vaccinated and Booster and Complete Following:
Updated as at 30 March 2022
30 March 2022: As a nation with over 90 percent adult population vaccinated with access to boosters, and low test positivity rates, Fiji is now taking the next step in its economic recovery.
In accordance with the 2021-2022 Special Revised Budget, Effective 7 April 2022, fully-vaccinated visitors with a negative COVID-19 test entering Fiji, will no longer be required to book a minimum 3-night stay at a Care Fiji Commitment (CFC) Certified hotel.
Instead, they only require a pre-paid Rapid Antigen Test (RAT), to be administered within 48 to 72 hours of arrival into Fiji, proof of vaccination and either a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test taken no more than 2 calendar days prior to the scheduled day of departure OR RAT taken no more than 24 hours prior.
In terms of Insurance, visitors with existing insurance must present evidence of the cover not excluding COVID-19. All foreign passport holders (except valid permit holders who provide a supporting letter from sponsor/employer to meet all COVID related costs, including isolation if required) must have medical travel insurance, with international coverage that covers COVID-19 before travelling.
Travelers may opt for FijiCare COVID-19 travel insurance.
With over 70 countries declared Travel Partners as of 18 March 2022 – Fiji will now remove its Travel Partner classification – and is open to anyone who meets the entry requirements.
We appreciate this is not a lot of notice for travelers, but in addition to your vaccination proof, negative covid test, and insurance, you will now also need to show proof of a PRE-BOOKED and PRE-PAID rapid test to satisfy the in-country mandatory testing requirement 48-72 hrs after arrival.
Whereas you could previously just turn up at the hotel and have this done, this test now needs to be booked and paid for BEFORE ENTERING FIJI via a centralised, easy to use, government portal https://entrytestfiji.com
Entering Fiji
Fiji’s entry conditions requires that all international travelers (including returning residents) undertake a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) at an approved hotel, laboratory, or pharmacy within 48 -72 hours of their arrival. For example, if you arrive in Fiji on 1 April 2022, you should book your RAT test on 3rd or 4th April 2022.
Through this portal – you can pre-book and pay for your Fiji RAT test. Please produce your test booking confirmation at the airport check-in to board your flight to Fiji. If you have not booked a test before your arrival at the airport, this can still be done on your mobile device to receive an immediate booking confirmation.
You are free to choose where to book your test. If you are staying at a hotel, you can book with the hotel or a listed private laboratory or pharmacy. Please note that costs may vary.
See Fiji Entry conditions here.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page which should help you get those answers.
Some other useful links include the Fiji Entry Conditions page on the Fiji Government Website and our Travelling to Fiji page.